CONTENTS: - The Mayor of Casterbridge - Television and Cinema - "Chance of a Lifetime" (Bernard Miles) - interview with Luciano Emmer - images from: 'Independence'; 'The Medium'; No Resting place'; 'Miracolo a Milano'; - protection of the film industry: the quota and the fund - relationship between fan magazines and studios - revaluation fo 'The Lodger' (1927) BOOK REVIEWS: - Spotlight on films, by Egon Larsen - Three British Screenplays: Brief Encounter, Odd Man Out, Scott of the Antarctic. Ed. by Roger Manvell.

Item number 22317
Category Periodical
Type Criticism/History
Dimensions 278 x 215 cm
Language English
Country of origin UK
Related people Gavin Lambert (editor)

Part of the Bill Douglas and Peter Jewell Collection