Critical study of the work of British filmmaker Jack Clayton by Neil Sinyard. Clayton specialised in literary adaptations and directed such films as Room at the Top, The Great Gatsby and The Innocents. The book draws upon the directors private papers in analysing individual films and foregrounding unseen and uncompleted projects. Includes an unpublished short story by Clayton entitled 'The Enchantment.' Discusses such films as Naples is a Battlefield, The Bespoke Overcoat, Room at the Top, The Innocents, The Pumpkin Eater, Our Mother's House, The Great Gatsby, Somehting Wicked This Way Comes, The Lonley Passion of Judith and Memento Mori.

Item number 27658
Category Book
Type Biography
Dimensions Standard
Language English
Country of origin UK
Related people Jack Clayton (Subject)
Neil Sinyard (Authoir)

Part of the Bill Douglas and Peter Jewell Collection