Vol. 8 No. 1, March 1931 issue of Close-Up: A Quarterly Devoted to the Art of Films. Contents: "The Dinamic Square" by Serge Eisenstein; "Notes on the Portuguese Cinema" by Alves Costa; "Stills and their Relation to Modern Cinema" by Oswell Blakeston; "The Theatre of the Future and the Talking Film" by Zygmunt Tonecki; "Brief History of Czech Motion Pictures" by Karel Santar; "Eye and Ear in the Theatre" by Mark Segal; "La Petite Lise" by Jean Lenauer; "Education as a By-Product" by Clifford Howard; "Strange Adventure of David Gray"; "The Future of the Amateur Film Movement" by L. B. Duckworth; "Educational and Cultural Film Commission" by Mary Chadwick; "My First Sound Film" by Eugen Deslaw; "Prelude to a Criticism of the Movies" by Herman G. Weinberg; "The New Kino" by H. A. Potamkin; Feature Article "As Is" by Kenneth Macpherson; Comment and Reviiew. Illustrated with black and white photographs and architectural drawings. Duplicate of EXEBD 38774.

Item number 55377
Category Periodical
Type Criticism/History
Language English
Country of origin UK
Related people Kenneth Macpherson (Editor)

Part of the Bill Douglas and Peter Jewell Collection