several letters from Robin Allan's correspondants, congratulating him on the success of his exhibition "Picture Books and Disney Pictures", September 1990, and the accompanying catalogue. Part 1: To Robin Allan from J. Gordon Legg Part 2: To Robin Allan from Bill Matthews, Creative Personnel Dept. Manager, Walt Disney Pictures. Part 3: Postcard to Robin Allan from 'Val & Xtopher'. Part 4: Note to Allan from 'Paula'. Part 5: Postcard to Robin Allan from Ray Bradbury, commenting on the film "Fantasia" and complete with two drawings. Part 6: To Robin Allan from Jennie and Joe Grant. © 1970-2015 JENNIFER GRANT CASTRUP ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Part 7: Postcard to Robin Allan from Jan Christic. Part 8 and 9: Postcard and letter to Robin Allan from Paula Coe. Part 10: To Robin Allan from David R. Smith, Walt Disney Archives. Part 11, 12 and 13: To Robin from Howard Lowery, requesting to purchase several catalogues from Allan. Part 14: To Allan from Bill Matthews, organising a lecture during Allan's trip to Los Angeles.

Item number 66069
Category Letter
Type Cartoons
Dimensions small letter, A4
Country of origin USA
Related people Robin Allan (Subject)
J. Gordon Legg (Subject)
Bill Matthews (Subejct)
Ray Bradbury (Subejct)
Paula Coe (Subject)
Jemmie and Joe Grant (Subject)
Jan Christic (Subject)
David R. Smith (Subject)
Howard Lowrey (Subject)

Part of the Robin Allan Collection