The Magic Lantern, Number 11, June 2017. Contents: 'German toy magic lanterns - projecting phenakistoscopes. Part 1 - Simple lanterns' by Helmut Wälde; 'Albert Franklin Prieger - manufacturer of the art slide and distributor of stereopticons' by Hans-Wilhelm Vleugels; 'From the ivory tower: an update on current research' by Lydia Jakobs; 'The royal panopticon of science and arts: further insights' by Lester Smith; 'Lanternists' tales: the humorous side of giving lantern shows' by Gordon Casbeard; 'Obituary: Eunice Elsbury' by Jennifer and Keith Utteridge; 'Repairing a chromatrope' by Lester Smith; 'The 10th International Convention of The Magic Lantern Society, Birmingham and Midland Institute (BMI), 28-30 April 2017' by Mary Ann Auckland. Issue Number 11 also contains the Agenda for The Magic Lantern Society Summer Meeting at The Astor Theatre, Deal on 29 July 2017. [Note: The Magic Lantern, starting with Number 1, December 2014 is the new publication from The Magic Lantern Society and replaces The Magic Lantern Society Newsletter and The New Magic Lantern Journal which had been combined in a single publication].

Item number 93339
Category Periodical
Type Magic Lantern
Language English
Country of origin UK
Related people Mary Ann Auckland (Editor)
Gwen Sebus (Editor)
Dennis Crompton (Editor)