Sheet music for the song 'My Old Dutch' (a Cockney Song), produced by Reynolds and Co. (No. 237). The song was written and sung by Albert Chevalier in 1892, who was an English music hall comedian, singer and musical theatre actor. His brother, Auguste, composed the music but wrote under the name Charles Ingle. As with many music hall songs, the lyrics talk of poverty and gender differences, and Chevalier's performance of this was very much part of the vaudeville experience. The song would spur a number of film remakes, and The Beatles have also been reported to have referenced the lyrics of the song on occasion. There are also advertisements for other Reynolds and Co. sheet music throughout.

Item number 97089
Category Sheet Music
Type Film Publicity
Language English
Country of origin UK
Related people Albert Chevalier
Charles Ingle

Part of the Townly Cooke Collection