A publicity programme for the National Film Theatre for April 1998, featuring an image of Paul Robeson in 'Song of Freedom' on the front cover. The programme contains information about the NFT's film screenings and seasons for the month, which included a season celebrating the transition from the silent era to the 'talkies' titled 'Sound! The Talkie Revolution', featuring films such as 'The Jazz Singer', 'The Singing Fool' and 'Broadway', as well as a collection of more recent films showcasing the pioneering use of sound design in films such as 'The Conversation', 'His Girl Friday', 'American Graffiti' and 'Alien', and a retrospective season of horror films produced by Hammer Studios, including 'The Revenge of Frankenstein', 'The Brides of Dracula', and 'The Witches'. Further highlights included a season of films celebrating the centenary of the birth of Paul Robeson which featured a series of accompanying seminars and lectures about black culture and representation in British cinema, a special day of Hong Kong action movies, a showcase of television adaptations of Anton Chekov's work, a preview screening of 'Apartheid Didn't Die', educational and junior events, and selected strands on LGBT cinema, cult cinema, short films and an 'avant-garde showcase'. The programme features screening times, synopses and photos for each of the individual titles as well as general venue and booking information.

Item number 98272
Category Periodical
Type Cinema Publicity
Language English
Country of origin UK

Part of the Bill Douglas and Peter Jewell Collection