1956 information book of the development of the cinema and the people who made its history. Written by Stanley Reed, secretary and previous head of the British Film Institute. The book features chapters tracing pre-cinema technology, including information on how to create your own version of inventions such as the thaumatrope, flip book, phenakistiscope, zoetrope and praxinoscope (or 'biscuit-box' cinema). It also covers the development of cinema, including information on Edward Muybridge, Edison, Georges Méliès and the Lumière brothers. Other chapters cover the 'First Cinema', 'Music Hall and Fairground', 'The First Story Films', development of 'The Film Studio', America's role in cinema, the 'Silent Twenties', development of the talkies and the star system, and finishes on 'Films Today'. Images from films are featured throughout and there are recommendations of further readings at the end. The book is aimed at older children and can also be turned into a flip book with illustrations of a running dalmation in the bottom right hand corner

Item number 98614
Category Book
Type Film History
Language English
Country of origin UK