Film History: F.W. Murnau special. Articles on Murnau as the avant-gardist of film autonomy, his cinematographic discoveries, short biography. Comparison Murnau, Jannings, and Chaplin; criticial reviews of Murnau's films in the twenties. Several articles by Murnau himself, e.g. Murnau on his contemporaries, Murnau on films of the future, "the ideal film does not need a subtitle", David Flaherty's reminiscences of Murnau; contemporary reviews on 'Nosferatu', 'Tabu', 'Sunrise', 'Der Weg allen Fleisches', 'Der letzte Mann'. Other reviews on: 'Innenleben' ('Interiors') by Woody Allen, 'Die neapolitanischen Geschwister', 'Hier auf dieser Strassenkreuzung' by Karen Gevorkian, 'Die Abfahrer' (Adolf Winkelmann), 'With Babies and Banners' by Lorraine Gray, 'Die Liebe zum Imperium' by Peter Heller, 'Salz der Erde' by H. Bibermann.

Item number 24658
Category Periodical
Type Films
Dimensions 240 x 190
Language German
Country of origin Germany
Related people Bion Steinborn (editor)
Alexandra Kluge (editor)

Part of the Roy Fowler Collection