Colin Shindler takes a look at 'Hollywood's First Great Celebrity Couple,' Swedish actress Greta Garbo and actor John Gilbert, however not as a biography but as a non-fiction novel based on real events. Some of the dialogue included was imagined by the author but is based on conversations Shindler came across during his research on the stars. He examines their relationship from the beginning, on the set of 'Flesh and the Devil,' to Garbo's abandonment of Gilbert at the altar, and their contrasting careers as Garbo rose to fame while Gilbert battled with MGM and turned to alcohol. Part 2 is a Publicity Sheet for the book stating that it was published to celebrate the centenary of Greta Garbo's birth.

Item number 27743
Category Book
Type Biography
Dimensions Standard
Language English
Country of origin UK
Related people Colin Shindler (Author)
Greta Garbo (Subject)
John Gilbert (Subject)

Part of the Bill Douglas and Peter Jewell Collection