DiGiTalk (DGT) is the publication bringing together content, ideas and experiences emerging from DiGiTraining Plus. This edition is from the 2013 training event which took place from 28th August to 1st September in Cracow and Warsaw (Poland). DiGiTrainig is organised by MEDIA Salles (a programme of the European Union), which offers training courses for European cinema exhibitors. The book contains information on Media Salles, DiGiTraining Plus, and the 2013 edition which focused on New Technologies for the Europen Cinemas of the Future. There is a table of contents which includes sections on New Technologies, The Polish Digital Landscape, All Different All Digital, The User's Perception on Digital Conversion, The Cinemas of the Future. and tables and graphs on digital screens. The last section is devoted to people whose presentations are featured in the booklet.
Item number | 63443 |
Category | Digital Cinema |
Type | Exhibition |
Language | English |
Country of origin | Italy |
Part of the Bill Douglas and Peter Jewell Collection