Showing items 1-150 of 2,443
- All Items
- Film and Television Technician
- Geschichts-didattik
- Los Angeles Times, Calendar
- "Amateur Cine World" Series
- "Work" Handbook Series
- 'Tempest Kiddy' series
- 'X' Films
- 10 Drama
- 1000 makers of the cinema
- 16 mil Film User
- 16/9 Audiovisual Eureka Newsletter
- 1895: Association francaise de recherche sur l'histoire du cinema
- 1895: Revue de l'Association Francaise de Recherche sur l'Histoire du Cinema
- 20th Century Icons
- 21st Century Essentials
- 24 Frames
- 3 Dees
- 50 film stars
- 55
- 66
- 80 ans de cinema francais
- A & H 'Around town' series
- A & H Chuckle series
- A Church-Craft Pictures Bible story
- A news special
- A. Pumphrey's stereographs of English scenery
- A.T. series
- AA Forum
- AB
- ABC Cinemas Movie World
- ABC film review
- ABC Movie World
- ABC news
- ABC news service
- Academy
- Academy Leader
- Academy: the journal of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts
- Ackermann's repository of arts
- Actors - natural and character studies
- Actualites
- Actualites theatrales
- Adam and Eve
- Afetr Dark
- AFI Film Reader
- AFI film readers
- After Dark
- Afterimage
- AIP & Co
- AIP & Co.
- Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
- Alice in Disneyland jigsaw puzzle
- Alice in Wonderland
- All-British photo series
- Allen's reprint library
- Alliance series
- Allison and Busby American Crime
- Allison and Busby Twentieth Century Classics
- Almanach de Mon ciné
- Alpha / Modern humour series
- Alpha series
- Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media
- also see "Jugend Film Fernsehen"
- Always
- Amateur cine world
- Amateur photographer
- Ambassador
- American Biographical History Series
- American Cinematographer
- American Cinematographer (photocopy)
- American film
- American Film Institute monograph series
- American heritage
- American Originals
- American Women of Achievement
- Anabas Look Book
- Anabas look book series
- Anarchy
- Ancient Egypt magazine
- Angleterre et Ecosse
- Anglo-Soviet film season
- Animafilm: international quarterly of animated film
- Animafilm: the animated film
- Animal locomotion
- Animation Journal
- Animation Magazine
- Animation World Magazine
- Animation World Magazine
- Animation World Magazine
- Animato
- Animator
- Animator's newsletter
- Animatrix
- Animatrix- A Journal od the UCLA Animation Workshop.
- Annual Review of BBC Broadcasting Research Findings
- Antique Explorer
- Antiques Trade Gazette
- Applause screenplay series
- Applied photography
- Architectural design
- Architectural digest
- Archive
- Ardmore Ireland
- Ariel
- Art Films
- Art in America
- Art Inquiry
- Art News
- Art photo postcard
- Art union
- Art vivant
- Art-journal
- Artistas de Cine
- Arts in society
- ARTS The Village Voice
- Ashgate Studies in Childhood, 1700 to the Present
- ASIFA information bulletin
- Asleep in the deep
- Astorian
- At the cinema
- At the front series
- Atlantic Monthly
- Attwell postcards
- Attwell series
- Aura. Film Studies Journal.
- Aurum film encyclopaedia
- Auto-Photo series
- AV communication review
- Avant
- Avant-scene du cinema
- Aventures acrobatiques de Charlot
- Aventures de la petite Shirley
- B. & D.S. Kromo series
- Back-to-back series
- Backtrack
- Bafta - Shell UK Report
- BAFTA annual review
- Baker's Edition of Plays
- Bamboo Ridge. The Hawaii Writers' Quarterly
- Barbican Cinema programme
- Barbra
- Basler Magazin
- Bastei Galerie der Grossen Maler
- BBC Homes & Antiques
- BBC TV Time-Life books
- BBC year book
- Beacon Series in Contemporary Communications
- Beauties - second series