We have new student curated exhibitions on display in our reception area. As in previous years students have curated exhibitions using the museum's collections for the third year Film Studies module British Screens (EAF 3513). The course looks at the moving image in Britain, in part through the holdings of the museum, and is taught by the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum's Curator, Dr Phil Wickham, and the Head Of Film Studies, Professor Linda Williams.
The students decide their theme within the history of the moving image in Britain, select and research artefacts and design the display. The exhibition, along with a reflective piece on the process and social media posts, forms 50% of their mark on the module.
This year there were 4 curatorial groups:
Defining the British Pop Musical
Charlotte Delaney, Elliana Hamer, Iszy Potter and James Turner
Women of Colour on British Screens
Jenny Cox, Charlotte Head, Harmony Lau, Henry Walker and Georgia Williams
" Have a Cup of Tea and Hopefully it will all Blow Over": Perspectives on British Comedy
Georgia Bradberry, Taylor-William Hill; Zoe Mackay and Jenny Recaldin
Transforming the Text: Adapting Classical British Literature
Amber Giles, Allie Papernick, Charlotte Upham, Henry Welch and Jasper Yip
Thanks to the students for all their hard work and the exhibitions will be on display to all visitors to the museum until May 2020.