Articles include: John Phillips: 'Catherine Breillat's "Romance": hard core and the female gaze' Ivan Krisjansen and Trevor Maddock: 'Educating Eros: Catherine Breillat's "Romance" as a cinematic solution to Sade's metaphysical problem' Emma Wilson: 'Uncanny families: "Olivier, Olivier"' Susan Hayward: 'Claire Denis' films and the post-colonial body - with special reference to "Beau travail" (1999)' Martine Beugnet and Jane Sillars: '"Beau travail": time, space and myths of identity' Sarah Cooper: '"Je sais bien, mais quand meme...": fetishism, envy and the queer pleasures of "Beau travail"' Kevin Hayes: 'The newspaper and the novel in "A bout de souffle"'

Item number 38924
Category Periodical
Type Criticism/History
Language English
Country of origin UK
Related people Susan Hayward (editor)
Phil Powrie (editor)